What Will We Achieve

Expected results

The consortium wants to develop four connected Project Results (PR) that will work as an “Educational pack” for promoting the learning of languages in preschool age using blended learning to involve not only ECEC educators but families in the multilingual education of the children. These Project Results are:


The PR1 will be a pedagogical guide for connecting the main intelligence of the children in preschool age with the learning of a second language. Children in preschool age have a lot of capacities for learning a second language but not all the resources are suitable for all the children because not all of them are interested in the same ways of education. This project result wants to train the staff working in the ECEC in the Multiple Intelligences theory to better adapt the education to the main capacities of each child and to offer resources for a second language acquisition adapted to the different bits of intelligence.


Multilingual Educational Games in Preschool Age ‘Gamification’ in education is about increasing student engagement and learning by including game-like elements in learning. Effective games typically feature a series of goals or progressions, clear rules, elements of a story, high interactivity, and continual feedback including some kind of reward. They may also incorporate social elements of teamwork and communication. Games can enhance student focus and motivation and can provide the freedom for children to try, fail, and explore. The consortium will develop online and offline educational games for teaching a second language at preschool age.


Multilingual Educational Cartoons BABO Educational cartoons will be a great resource adapted to the preschool age for teaching the children a second language. The main innovation is that this educational cartoons will follow the multiple intelligences theory in the episodes and will be completed and connected with the other resources developed in the project.


Multilingual Educational game This APP educational game is part of the multilingual educational pack we want to develop for helping ECEC educators and parents with the multilingual education of children in preschool age. Again, there are not too many resources for “Blended learning” or online resources adapted to the preschool age, and with the BABO project we want to offer an innovative way of teaching a second language in the European ECEC system.