
Education begins with language

What do we have


The BABO project’s main focus is teaching a second language at preschool age in an innovative way offering ECEC (Early Childhood Education and Care) educators and families new educational methodologies and digital resources.

Three main reasons for our existence:

Lack of quality digital educational resources in ECEC

The global COVID-19 pandemic has affected many aspects of today’s society, bringing to the fore the weaknesses of what were thought to be the strong points of institutions, such as education.


Lack of Innovation in ECEC

While primary, secondary, and higher education have moved
forward in digital education and educational innovation, preschool education has been offering the same education for decades.


Need for high-quality and adapted multilingual education in the European ECEC system

Although all European citizens should learn at least two languages in addition to their mother tongues in most European countries this is not possible.


What do we want to achieve

Our main goals

The consortium of the BABO project has highlighted three main objectives which are connected with the educational objectives of the European Institutions.


Promote high quality early childhood education and care system through innovation


Promote digital education in ECEC (blended learning)


Promote the learning of languages in preschool age

What will we acheive


The consortium wants to develop four connected Project Results (PR) that will work as an “Educational pack” for promoting the learning of languages in preschool age using blended learning to involve not only ECEC educators but families in the multilingual education of the children.

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Our Team

a consortium of public and private institutions

This working group brings a multidisciplinary approach to the table, ensuring a holistic view of the entire project and its surroundings.

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